Concept drawings

On the last day of July, I decided to make a proof-of-concept for the PPU rendering technique used in this game -- and didn't realize until afterward that there had been a GBA Jam going since May, and that it was already almost over! (So I didn't get much sleep on the first few weekends of August... #worth)

Once I had scrapped together enough to show that the project was actually viable, I asked the other Hell Labs folks if they were interested in contributing, and they were! And as it turns out, when you have other people joining your project, sharing your vision with them is important (and sometimes the "other people" are future-you, too).

I quickly sketched these first two images on a couple different afternoons at a cafe, trying to scope out what we'd actually be able to achieve based on what the tech demo could already do and the tight time frame we'd have to work on it. By that point I already had basic platformer movement and tree climbing, so the environment designs I came up with were largely just aesthetic variants on the same game pieces.

Tutorial concept sketch of leading the player through learning basic movement and then getting the turn ability similarly to how you get dash in Celeste: from a bird. (sorry Maddy!)
Visual theme concept sketch showing the cave, grassland, and cloudy mountain

Aside from that, I also needed to put pencil to paper to work out some of the trigonometry and bit-twiddling and such without it all leaking out of my head, so the last four images are some of my notes.

Explaining how my music fades worked while trying to nail down what the volume formula for MISSINGSKY should be on the last night of the jam
The geometry notes I took while rotating boxes in my head to figure out how to position and scale things for the illusion to work
The collision detection is done with a 2D array of bitfields going along your sight line axis (so e.g. log2(map[vert_pos][horiz_pos]) is the depth coordinate you might get pushed to if you walk past a wall. Frustratingly, the ARM architecture didn't have a count-leading-zeros instruction until the revision after the one in the GBA, but the LLVM intrinsic for it gets it in ln(bits) so whatever)
Occlusion culling (didn't end up having CPU budget for it with the version of the renderer shipped in the jam demo, sadly)

(I've of course cleaned all these up and replaced my chickenscratch with Comic Sans before uploading)

Get Getting Around It with Pheasant Birdy

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